We are AEO certified!
On 29.01.2018 we became AEO certified! An AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) is a particularly reliable and trustworthy. Reliability is evaluated according to the following criteria:
• Compliance with customs and tax regulations
• Maintaining a satisfactory accounting system
• Solvency
• Appropriate safety standards The aim of AEO certification is to secure the integrated international supply chain from the manufacturer of a product all the way to the end consumer. The condition for an authorized economic operator is that:
• Goods are produced, stored, processed or loaded at secure production sites and at secure transfer locations.
• Goods are protected against unauthorized access during production, storage, processing or handling, loading and transport.
• The personnel employed to produce, store, process or transport, and discharge such goods are reliable
• Business partners acting on our behalf are aware that they must also take measures to safeguard the above supply chain.
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