Your Expert in Self-Adhesive Technology since 1976
March 2023: The new building expansion with increased production and warehouse capabilities officially opened for business.

On Saturday, September 17, 2022, VOLZ® TAPES’ celebrated an important step in the expansion of the Schallstadt site with the traditional Richterfest (roof-raising party).

VOLZ® TAPES awarded the “Sicher mit System” (Safe with System) seal of quality by the Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik (the German Employers’ Liability Insurance Association). The seal of approval confirms the effective implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management system (OHSM) by VOLZ® TAPES in compliance with NLF / ILO-OSH 2001 and DIN ISO 45001:2018.

VOLZ® TAPES groundbreaking ceremony to expand facilites exponentially. The new building will include more office, production and warehouse space.

VOLZ® TAPES awarded TÜV SÜD certifications on 30.10.2019, for Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001:2015).

On July 1, 2019, VOLZ® TAPES awarded tesa Gold Converting Partner status for its capabilities in the area of converting.

On July 1, 2019, Mario Haselwander sold his corporate shares and stepped down from his managing role at Volz, remaining active with the company in the capacity of outside sales. Tetiana Benz, the wife of the managing partner and Chief Executive Officer, Andreas Benz, acquired Mr. Haselwander’s shares and the title of partner and CEO.
AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) certified
Admistration, Production and Logistics moved into the new modern and custom built VOLZ® TAPES facility in Schallstadt, Germany.

Rebranded from VOLZ® Selbstklebetechnik to VOLZ® TAPES.

Broke ground on the construction of the new administrative, production and logistics building in Schallstadt.

Joined AFERA, the Association of European Adhesive Tape Manufacturers

Began the development and production inhouse of double-sided adhesive tape. Built an in-house adhesive tape laboratory.
“VOLZ” becomes a registered trademark.
Certified as a UL listed Converter.

Began the development and production of Volz electrical tapes. Began the UL listing of electrical tapes.
Entered into a partnership with Intertape Polymer Group for electrical tapes

Volz Selbstklebetechnik is certified for the first time according to DIN ISO 9001 by DQS

Began the partnership with tesa to sell industrial self-adhesive tape. Later that year becam an official tesa Industry Partner.

Sale of Volz Verpackungsmittel GmbH to Andreas Benz and Mario Haselwander. Under the new management the company name is changed to Volz Selbstklebetechnik GmbH. Volz Selbstklebetechnik GmbH to concentrate on technical adhesive tapes, die-cut stamped and molded parts, as well as the converting of adhesive tapes.

Acquisition and renamed to Volz Verpackungsmittel GmbH
The creation of Volz Klebebänder by Hannelore Volz in Endingen / Kaiserstuhl. The firm focused on the distribution of packaging tapes and packaging machines.